5.1 Searching for a device

To search for a device:

  1. Click the Devices category.
  2. Select the search to use from the drop-down list.

    By default, the following searches are available:

    • Devices – searches all devices.

    • Assigned Devices – searches only devices that are currently assigned to a person.

    • Unassigned Devices – searches only devices that are not currently assigned to a person.

    • Assign Device Search – a limited search that is designed primarily to search for devices that you can assign to a request; see section 6.5, Assigning a device to a request.

    However, your system may have additional custom device searches that you use for reporting.

  3. Enter some or all of the search criteria for the target of the request.

    If you are using the default Devices search, the following search criteria are available:

    • Owner Name (contains) – type part of the device owner's name. You do not have to use wildcards; the search will match any part of the text you enter with the device owner's name.
    • Group – click the open icon to select the group to which the device owner belongs.

      See section 3.3.8, Selecting a group.

      If you want to view devices for people from the groups below the selected group in the hierarchy, select the Include Subgroups option.

    • Credential Profile – select the credential profile that was used to issue the device from the drop-down list.
    • Device Type – select the type of device from the drop-down list.
    • Process Status – select the status of the device from the drop-down list; for example, Active or Erased.
    • Enabled – select whether or not the device is enabled from the drop-down list.
    • Serial Number – type the serial number for the device. You can use wildcards.

    You can also select the following Additional search criteria:

    • Chip – type the chip type for the device; for example, Oberthur ID-One PIV. You can use wildcards.

    • Valid After – select the date after which the device became valid.
    • Valid Before – select the date before which the device became valid.
    • Expires After – select the date after which the device will expire.
    • Expires Before – select the date before which the device will expire.

    If you are using other searches, the criteria may be different.

  4. Click SEARCH.

    The list of matching results appears.

    Search results are displayed in pages. Scroll to retrieve the next page of results automatically.

    Note: The results are restricted to devices that have owners who fall within your scope, plus any unassigned devices.

  5. Click a record to display the details of the device.

    You can view information on the following tabs:

    • DETAILS – view the basic details of the device, including device type, serial number, and owner.
    • DEVICE CERTIFICATES – view the list of certificates stored on the device.
    • DEVICE REQUESTS – view any open requests for the device; for example, reprovision card tasks. You can click on the request in the list to view the full details of the request, and carry out actions such as approving, rejecting, or canceling the request.

      For more information, see section 6, Working with requests.

    From this screen, you can:

You can also view a device from any form that contains a link to the device.

For example:

5.1.1 Wildcards

For fields where you can use wildcards, you can use the following: